Thursday, 17 June 2010

Talk Review

Dear all:

Today's post is a topic we all feel strongly about. Education

This week we are taking a look at the TED website. Please visit:

You have to visit it, watch Sir Ken Robinson's talk "Do Schools Kill Creativity" ,

You can use subtitles in ENGLISH, if you need to.
Then write a 230 words review. What do you think of his talk? How do you feel about it? Develop ideas based on the talk.
I hope you enjoy it.

1 comment on teacher's blog. 3 comments on classmates.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This video is very interesting, because is true! in a lot of current schools, the traditional education, kills the children creativity imposing strict work rules where all kids can't express what they know or what they feel about something, across of the classworks, art, etc...

    This is an important problem that we MUST to change now!

  3. A new point of view! Always education is an interesting and polemic topic, and it´s more polemic when we watch Sir Ken Robinson's talk. Creativity is important, but is not more important that math o language, I think.

  4. Truly interesting video and a really funny guy too, very British! It’s motivating listen new points of view about education, I hope that it start to change minds and generate a world change sometime soon.

  5. The topic of today was very interesting, also the video because this guy Ked has a good way to comunicate.

    About the topic...,I think is a subject to investigate a lot and propose new ways of educations.


  6. The topic was very interesting, and polemic too... you must read "El maestro ignorante" de J. Ranciere.. i think you will like it.


  7. I think it was an excellent talk, I visit that website a lot, and has outstanding talks about everything, it's great to see al this talks for free. a really good idea.

  8. Is a very interesting topic for the education. Is a good criticism. The schools manipulate the direction of learning is very regrettable...

    but I hope that the futures teachers will be diferent!

  9. Really is very interesting the conference because is a topic that is affecting to several students who wants dedicates theirs life to artistic area and they can not developing this faculties because in the school are more regards the scientific and humanistic areas.

  10. Hi:
    I think it's an interesting man and is so good that the people start talk about that topic to give the importance that it deserves

  11. Hi Teacher:
    I think that this topic and the video are very interesting. We must to start to ask us, what kind of education we are receiving...

    Education... I would say "standardization"


  12. Thank you teacher for continuing putting topics of education... I also think that the creativity has not been an important topic for the educational system because it is very worried of his intentions of market: the production....

    It was an entertaining and interesting conference

