Thursday, 27 May 2010

Themed post

Today we have our second themed post.
In my area of study, I think you need a number of skills; The first one is probably being studious and systematic in your reading on second language acquisition, methodology, assessment among others areas. I think the rapport you have with students is a very important aspect to consider for learning to take place. If your students feel comfortable, they are more likely to learn.
I think this is an inborn quality that comes with your personality. I believe in respecting everyone around me (who deserves it!). Regarding being studious, I think it is a habit that anyone can develop.
I think at university I the main tools and the degree, but probably the best courses I've done have been intensive and by foreign institutions. Experience also teaches you loads and is a great asset.
I think what most teachers are missing nowadays is extra time for professional developmentand, and in Chile in particular, a decent salary. This affects motivation, which is essential for good education.
With regards to what courses miss in general, I dare to say the problem is not so much the course, as the reasons why people study pedagogy, which range form having a low PSU score to liking something theoretical more than actually being in the classroom.
Regarding the future, I believe there are good things ahead. I have had all sorts of teaching jobs. I think maybe I need to devote some hours to working with children for a change. They are a completely different story in the classroom.
Looking forward to hearing what you've got to say.

What are the main skills needed in your area of study?

Which of these skills are inborn and which are learnt?

Do you feel this university is providing you with what you need for the future?

What is the course missing? if anyhing.

Do you feel prepared for what the future awaits(workwise)?

Reflect on these questions and write a minimum of 220 words, plus 3 comments in one of your classmates blogsand 1 on mine. Remember to post today.Add a picture if you like.


  1. Hi teach! i couldn`t go to class today, sorry! but i´m doind the blog from my home any way!
    i think its great that you think like this about education, and that you have a vocation for teaching... working with childrens must be really a good experience, i belive they fullfill you much more as a teacher!

    bye, cami.

  2. you're a lucky teacher. i can't even imagine how is the same work for a rural teacher or for someone who works in the municipal system hahaha

  3. Hi Teacher,
    Well, mi mother is teacher too, and I know who is to be a teacher. Like Marìa says, it´s very difficult, and, the salary is terrible! We need to change the University in the first place, for have more students interested in became teachers.

  4. Hi miss, I really admire you for your work, cause I think you really love what you do, if everyones think like that, the world will be different, also being a teacher in this days is always a difficult job ad even harder in this country. I hope this would change with time.

  5. For be a good teacher, is very selfless because we have to pay the same money with the others careers, and study the same number of years that the other careers, but in the job, we will work very hard, the salary is more and more and more low than the other professional career salarys and our role is very "baddly looked at" and is not consider very respected in the society...

    But, If we love this job...we will fight by this cause!

  6. Hi
    I thing teachers are onde of the most important careers, because they form the base of the education and not only of the formal education , they give us values and a lot of important things , so we need good profesionals and it starts on the people who study education, i think they should have a real vocation.


  7. Is a good topic teacher!

    Precisely, my career must be confront this points, because many thing aren`t operating correctly.

    See you!

  8. Hi taecher! I think that for develop any job is really nessesary a number of skills. However the most important is do this job with a real vocation ond really interested in the choosed area specially when a person choose education area.
    pame =)

  9. teacheeer!! here is my post again because the last one was bad written

    Hi taecher! I think that for develop any job is really nessesary a number of skills. However the most important is do this job with a real vocation and really interested,specially when a person choose education area.
    pame =)

  10. a good topic miss very interesting

  11. Hello teacher!!
    I believe that all the skills you mentioned are key to a career or an academic. It is a pity that in my career, there are certain tools to develop much needed skills to meet future security professional ...
    Very interesting your topic ...

  12. Hello, teacher

    Discuple for sending this comment so late ... but I had student urgencies...
    Thank you for the select topic, I think that it is very important to question the own work.
    And I agree with what you say of the children, I work with children and it is very necessary to be attentive to the most useful pedagogías for the children.


  13. Hi Teacher

    I think the work of teachers is very important but little value in our society,we should all help improve this vision and build new posibilities.


  14. Hi Teacher. I could not write before because I did not have access to Internet and in the university when I had time was everything occupied. As far as blog, he is very interesting to speak than it happens in the races.
